Lead Paint Inspections in Detroit, MI
- Certified
- Qualified
- Professional
- Prompt
If you’re looking for a Detroit lead inspection, you’ve come to the right place by looking into MI Lead Inspections.
A lead inspection is a surface-by-surface investigation to determine the presence of lead based paint in a dwelling. The inspection is completed using an X-Ray fluorescent analyzer (XRF). An XRF is a hand-held device that allows the inspector to analyze all painted components and surfaces in the building in a non-destructive manner. The XRF gives instant results as to the lead concentration in the component or surface tested. If the results equal or exceed a level of 1 mg/cm2, the EPA/HUD considers the paint to be lead based paint.
Lead and Your Health
Lead inspections are often necessary because lead-based paint in residences can cause a wide range of health issues. Lead is especially harmful to children below six years old. Excessive levels of lead in kids can result in learning disabilities, brain damage, and numerous medical complications, the worst-case scenario being death with severe levels of lead poisoning. If your child is under six years old, it’s crucial to be lead compliant to protect your family’s health.
Lead compliance is also a legal requirement for rental properties in the city of Detroit.
The dangers of lead in paint weren’t extremely well known before 1978. Lead served as a common ingredient for pigmentation and increased durability. When the safety hazards were discovered, the use of lead in paint was banned. However, there are still millions of businesses, homes, and schools today that contain lead-based paint remnants.
At Home Test Kits
An at home test kit (i.e. 3M Lead Check Swabs) may not give you the accuracy that you need, and won’t be satisfactory to cover the municipality requirements. If testing your personal residence, be aware that do it yourself test kits are not recommended because they may not detect the lead, or might give a false positive lead paint test. This is why it’s crucial to hire a qualified local lead paint inspector when determining if you have lead paint in your home.